VitaJuwel - Inspiration
VitaJuwel - Inspiration
Lapis lazuli – rutilated quartz
Change the world with your creativity and break fresh ground! Get inspired by enjoying a glass of gemwater from this enchanting combination of the captivating rutilated quartz and the deep, celestial blue lapis lazuli – a symbol for spirituality in ancient Egypt about 6000 years ago. Your brain is made up of about 75% liquid. Research has revealed that drinking water when we feel thirsty boosts our brains performance.
Benefits of Lapis Lazuli
Bonds relationships in love and friendship and aids expressing feelings and emotions
Powerful thought amplifier. Stimulates the higher faculties of the mind, bringing objectivity and clarity.
Encourages creativity
Benefits the respiratory and nervous systems
Overcomes hearing loss, purifies blood and boosts the immune system
Lowers blood pressure
Benefits of Rutilated Quartz
Mood enhancing, antidepressant
Liberates from feelings of oppression and anxiety
Excellent for exhaustion and energy depletion
Treats the respiratory tract and bronchitis, stimulates and balances the thyroid
Stimulates growth and regeneration in cells
Repairs torn tissues