Creating Bespoke Aura Mists


This magical workshop will begin with a 10 minute guided relaxation visualisation to create a sacred space imbued with healing white light.You will be gently encouraged and assisted to connect to your heart center, your inner healer and to leave the cares of the day behind you. 

You will then be guided to intuitively bring through the elements you require to enable you to create your own personal aura mist. Your beautiful aura mist can then be carried with you and used throughout your day to up-lift, recharge and even ground you whenever needed.

You will be provided with a 50ml amber glass spray bottle and have access to VitaJuwel gem  water, pure Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils, a range of Aura-Soma Pomanders and also Crystals, all of which will help to enhance energy of your bespoke aura mist with a high vibration of light energy ready to instantly uplift you. 

You will also experience:

  • How to create your own sacred space in your home.

  • How to clear and re-balance your Personal Space (Aura).

  • How to tap on specific Energy Meridians to release pent up blocked energy and stress.

  • Aura Maintenance

50ml glass bottle with spray top and its contents are included.

Duration: 2 Hours
Time: 11am - 1:00 pm
Investment: $60.00
see instagram and facebook for current dates

More exciting workshops will be announced as they are released. So, stay tuned!
As all classes and workshops at House of Énergie are personal and small in size bookings are essential.

*All Classes, Workshops & Consultations are held in Kellyville N.S.W*

*To enquire about student or group concessions available on Workshops*

please contact Denise @