Reiki is an ancient hands-on-healing technique which is very gentle and non-invasive. Reiki is a subtle yet very powerful healing energy. The energy accessed through Reiki is often referred to as Universal Life Force Energy or Ki.
This flow of life force energy, can either be facilitated by an initiated Reiki practitioner in a treatment situation, though a series of non-invasive hands positions placed either lightly on the body or in the energy field (Aura) above the body, or alternatively you can do a Reiki self-healing treatment. In either of these capacities Reiki can assist in reactivating the body’s natural healing ability. This beautiful energy can bring about a deep sense of peace and calm to allow the healing process to begin
There a number of systems of Reiki being taught today. In my experience the two systems I use and teach (noted above) blend perfectly together to give a very unique experience.