
An Infant or baby’s physical health, mental health and development can be positively impacted by massage. Massage is one of the easiest and most natural ways of establishing a sense of touch and eye contact between a baby and the mother, father or care giver. This positive touch can enhance and improve the bonding process. Affectionate touch and rhythmic movement are among the most powerful forms of communication between babies and their parents. A healthy bond between a baby and its parents is of great importance in the determination of the baby’s character and habits.

Some of the many benefits of infant massage include a reduction in crying time, it improves sleep and regulates sleep patterns, boosts the immune system, enhances coordination, relieves sinus and chest congestion, enhances emotions and improves mood. 

Baby massage reduces stress hormone levels in children and their parents and is also ideal for pre-term infants.

A study in the UK showed significant improvement in eczema symptoms with the introduction of massage to infants by parents. Also, parents who massage their baby oeach day are more likely to notice any changes in their child's physical condition

As massage stimulates elimination of waste from the body it can relieve abdominal wind within minutes and speeds a natural process of the nervous system which can assist with reflux.